CBI-Fusion Point: a decade of student-driven tech for a greener world

CBI-Fusion Point: a decade of student-driven tech for a greener world

CBI-Fusion Point: a decade of student-driven tech for a greener world 970 545 ATTRACT Project phase 2

The GreenTech market is growing exponentially — it’s expected to be worth $60.7 billion by 2027. Solar power, electric vehicles and water purification are widely recognized solutions already in common use. But the value of GreenTech is increasingly being channeled into providing aid to developing countries, such as AI-powered drones that capture infra-red images to help manage crop control in drought-hit farming communities.

But with a market value set to leap by almost 28 per cent in just five years, GreenTech comes at a cost. And this is where students in advanced education can provide vital knowledge and resources.

The opportunity for students to take part in real-world experiences has become a ubiquitous element of higher and post-graduate education. Contributing to live projects where knowledge can be put into practice enriches the learning experience, while also providing valuable resources to businesses and organizations.

10 years of CBI-Fusion Point

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Challenge Based Innovation-Fusion Point (CBI-FP) course, a particularly successful example of how advanced education improves lives across the world. This course is run as part of Esade’s Rambla of Innovation ecosystem, where students, organizations, technology experts and researchers collaborate to address global SDG challenges.

Delivered annually since 2014, the acclaimed program involves 15 weeks of workshops, seminars, teamwork, coaching sessions and meetings with scientist owners of technologies grounded at CERN, and now expanded all over the world thanks to the ATTRACT Academy EU project.

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About Esade

Founded in 1958, Esade ranks among the top ten business schools in Europe in the most important International MBA, Executive Education and university programme rankings. Esade has agreements and works with over 100 universities and business schools worldwide. The school offers doctoral programmes in management studies and conducts cutting-edge research in the fields of Data Science & Market Decisions, Economics & Finance, Entrepreneurship, Globalisation & Geopolitics, Governance, Innovation & Operations, Strategy, Leadership & People Management and Social Innovation.

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Project partners

European flag This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101004462