HipMed project: the team presented their recent findings on their hyperspectral scanning system

HipMed project: the team presented their recent findings on their hyperspectral scanning system

HipMed project: the team presented their recent findings on their hyperspectral scanning system 970 545 ATTRACT Project phase 2

Cancer therapy is facing huge challenges when implementing personalized medicine, due to the many different types and stages of this complex disease and the different available treatments. In this regard, HipMed, one of the 18 R&D&I projects that received funding from ATTRACT phase 2, is developing a system that will enable pathologists to diagnose cancer better and faster using a single pathological slide. Recently, the research team has presented a poster on this topic at the Pathology Visions conference, which took place in Orlando from 29-31 October.

The poster “Diagnosis of DLBCL* using Multiplex Imaging” summarized the preliminary findings from a clinical study that the team is running with one of their partners: Sheba Medical Center, and it allowed them to expose their system and recent results to potential customers, mainly leading pathologists, with the hope to learn more about their needs and create relations that may lead to future collaborations.

“The conference was a great opportunity for us to meet potential customers and present our technology”, explained Boaz Brill, CEO at Pentaomix. “We were able to create significant contacts with multiple leading pathologists, some of whom immediately expressed their interest in collaboration. I believe the initial contacts made here will help us significantly down the road.”

The HipMed project is coordinated by Pentaomix, a startup that develops a novel solution for cancer diagnostics, in partnership with the Ben-Gurion University, the Sheba Medical Center and the Technion Institute of Technology. Its purpose is to develop and demonstrate a system that will provide pathologists with a better characterization of the tumour, improving diagnosis quality, saving time and providing decision support metrics for treatment decisions.

It is worth noting that Pathology Visions is considered the leading event for new technologies in pathology, bringing together experts and users across the field of digital pathology to address real-world, practical applications and the future of this field through new technologies and developments.

More information about the HipMed project is available here.

* DLBCL stands for: Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma, and it is the most prevalent type of lymphoma (cancer in lymph nodes).

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European flag This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101004462