Group 2

Based on ATTRACT project: Glass2Mass

Modality B




TeSI Summer Program


Modality B

Academic year



Our project Pa Que Veas offers better overall healthcare for citizens in low-income areas. Why would someone pursue this? Well, there are many families that can not afford glasses and consistent eye checkups, but many people do not realize the transportation and time taken out of work to see an eye specialist or take children to the eye doctors.

With Pa Que Veas, we can bring these specialists to their doorstep and on their own time. This could be after work, during lunch breaks, or even during school for children whose parents can not afford any spare time. The benefits also include less energy consumption in the creation of glasses.

The way Glassomer prints uses only 25% of the current amount of energy necessary to create the lenses. This may interest people even if they are not completely in need of glasses. People who are environmentally friendly may be interested because of this impact.