
Based on ATTRACT project: h-cube

Modality B




Modality B

Academic year



H-CUBE | SMIRK – Concept Terrasave*
While the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban was signed in 1997, mines still continue to be a problem, long after conflict in that specific region has ended. In addition to their obvious danger of exploding, buried unexploded ordinance can also cause environmental contamination, as the chemicals used may enter soil and water and thus prevent agrarian uses.
Plastic mines buried shallowly are notoriously hard to detect, and unfortunately just as deadly as the day they were first placed. MineSafe detects all kinds of mines and reduces the time significantly in comparison to the crew (with or without rats).

(DELFT University of Technology)

* This project does not support the use of this technology for any military or warfare purposes. It’s exclusively focused on humanitarian applications, particularly de-mining efforts, aimed at promoting safety and saving lives in affected regions.