
Based on ATTRACT project: H3D-VISIOnAiR

Modality B




Modality B

Academic year



In a world threatened by the silent invasion of microplastics in our oceans, we introduce O.R.C.A, a groundbreaking, revolutionary solution designed for researchers, scientists, and academics who are dedicated to unravelling the true extent of the microplastic invasion. Existing sampling methods prove to be inadequate in delivering standardized data essential for combating ocean pollution. O.R.C.A comprises of a mothership, MARLIN, serving as a hub and control centre, facilitating seamless data transmission and wireless energy transfer. Complementing MARLIN are the baby fishes, BEAMOs, efficiently collect microplastic samples and vital environmental data. Our solution empowers researchers to gather data consistently and comprehensively on a larger scale, expediting the identification and mitigation of unknown and threatful microplastics in areas facing significant environmental damage.