The Galileis

Based on ATTRACT project: PiPe4.0

Modality B




Modality B

Academic year



Introducing GuardianAir, your comprehensive solution to the pervasive mould issue in the UK. Our innovative product line comprises two cutting-edge solutions designed to tackle mould at its roots. Firstly, the GuardianAir Sensor acts like a smoke detector for mould, preemptively identifying and preventing environmental conditions conducive to mould growth. Secondly, a revolutionary tool, a handheld device for mould detection. This device skillfully searches, locates, and classifies mould within walls, providing real-time insights for targeted remediation. With GuardianAir, we empower landlords, tenants, homeowners, businesses and the government to proactively combat mould, ensuring healthier living and working environments.

GuardianAir: From Mold to Gold