New and articles of Market-Entry of Graphene-based large-Area MOdulators with a Radical Production of Holographic displays


In the media

El investigador español que quiere darle un giro de 180 grados a las pantallas gracias a las membranas de grafeno (in Spanish)
25 November 2024 | MEGAMORPH, phase2

El investigador español que quiere darle un giro de 180 grados a las pantallas gracias a las membranas de grafeno (in Spanish)

Santiago Cartamil-Bueno es físico pero, tras su periplo académico, se decidió a emprender en una ‘deep tech’ con sede en Valencia y residencia en Estonia. Cartamil el coordinador del proyecto MEGAMORPGH.

ATTRACT Pre-Final Conference: discover the funded projects
1 July 2024 | AHEAD, Glass2Mass, h-cube, H3D-VISIOnAiR, HIP-MED, HYGER, HYLIGHT, IALL, MEGAMORPH, META-HILIGHT, MicroQuaD-Material science, phase2, PiPe4.0, POSICS-2, Random Power, SNIFFIRDRONE, ULTRARAM, UNICORN Dx, VISIR2

ATTRACT Pre-Final Conference: discover the funded projects

The ATTRACT Pre-Final Conference was a crucial event for ATTRACT phase 2. It brought together a large community of researchers and innovators to explore technological advancements with the potential to address critical societal challenges and push the boundaries of scientific discovery.
