Random Power

New and articles of In-silico quantum generation of random bit streams


In the media

ATTRACT Pre-Final Conference: discover the funded projects
1 July 2024 | AHEAD, Glass2Mass, h-cube, H3D-VISIOnAiR, HIP-MED, HYGER, HYLIGHT, IALL, MEGAMORPH, META-HILIGHT, MicroQuaD-Material science, phase2, PiPe4.0, POSICS-2, Random Power, SNIFFIRDRONE, ULTRARAM, UNICORN Dx, VISIR2

ATTRACT Pre-Final Conference: discover the funded projects

The ATTRACT Pre-Final Conference was a crucial event for ATTRACT phase 2. It brought together a large community of researchers and innovators to explore technological advancements with the potential to address critical societal challenges and push the boundaries of scientific discovery.

“Random Power” presente al Falling Walls Science Summit
12 September 2022 | Random Power

“Random Power” presente al Falling Walls Science Summit

Random Power è l’unica startup italiana tra le 25 startup vincitrici della «Falling walls venture», una competizione a livello planetario tra le aziende nate nel contesto della ricerca di base.

Super password, Insubria premiata a Berlino (in Italian)
9 September 2022 | Random Power

Super password, Insubria premiata a Berlino (in Italian)

Prestigioso riconoscimento per Random Power, startup dell’Università dell’Insubria sul ruolo dell’imprevedibità nella sicurezza informatica.
