CBI4AI program: combining Artificial Intelligence with human needs & societal challenges

CBI4AI program: combining Artificial Intelligence with human needs & societal challenges

CBI4AI program: combining Artificial Intelligence with human needs & societal challenges 970 545 ATTRACT Project phase 2

The Challenge Based Innovation for Artificial Intelligence (CBI4AI) is a program created by CERN which seeks to develop solutions to specific human needs and societal challenges using Artificial Intelligence and proposing innovative applications for technologies developed by the ATTRACT community.

The CBI4AI program, under ATTRACT Academy, is addressed to students from different backgrounds from Esade Master’s Program, IED Barcelona Interaction Design Master Program and Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science from UPC who work jointly in interdisciplinary teams around a specific United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), incorporating cutting-edge technologies following a user-centred design process and matching them to find solutions to the main social problems of our time.

During the 10-week program, students attend different sessions that help them to see the connections between the SDGs and the different applications the R&D&I projects may have. Furthermore, through the CBI4AI they can understand the context and implications of AI in various fields, considering both its possible business applications and potential technological, economic, social and cultural impact.

CBI4AI 2022-23 edition

The current edition of this program is made up of 34 students from business management, design and engineering, divided into six multidisciplinary teams that are working around SDG 9: build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

They had the opportunity to go to CERN and interact with the scientists, and learn more about exponential innovation, thinking systems and get to know some of the ATTRACT technologies like POSICS-2, Random Power and ULTRARAM™.

It should be noted that in the Final Gala, which will be held at IED Barcelona on May 17th, students will present the prototypes they developed to come up with a solution to the challenge.

More information about the CBI4AI program is available here.

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Project partners

European flag This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101004462