Based on ATTRACT project: MicroQuaD-Material science

Modality B






Modality B

Academic year



Instantaneous, Automatic, and Precise Diagnosis of Bacterial Infections utilizing Computer Vision Techniques on Fluorescent Imaging with Biosensors via Integration of Confocal Microscope with Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detector (SNSPD). Timely diagnosis of bacterial infections is crucial, as delays increase complications and worsen patient outcomes. Bacterial infections are a significant global concern, with a high mortality rate. Conventional diagnostic methods take anywhere from 24 hours to 5-7 days. Even a few hours can be the difference between life and death for someone battling an aggressive infection. However, a breakthrough technology offers hope. B-QuaD combines SNSPD technology with fluorescence microscopy, utilizing specific biosensors in the NIR and SWIR regions for precise and fast diagnostics of blood samples. This innovative approach aims to drastically reduce diagnosis time, potentially from days to hours or even minutes. Together with B-QuaD, we can save lives, combat antibiotic resistance, and create a healthier future.