New and articles of Challenge Based Innovation Fusion Point
Sparking Curiosity: the role of Research Infrastructures within the ATTRACT Academy
Tech talent for tomorrow: key skills from Europe's ATTRACT Academy
ATTRACT Academy: a hands-on approach to training Europe’s future Tech Entrepreneurs
Fusion Point IdeaSquare Planet program: a new approach to innovation and problem-solving for the near future
Celebrating Innovation: highlights from the ATTRACT Pre-Final Conference
ATTRACT Pre-Final Conference: explore the 10 Student Programs
ATTRACT Pre-Final Conference: shaping the future of innovation and collaboration
CBI-FP: a decade of facing real-life societal challenges
CBI-Fusion Point: a decade of student-driven tech for a greener world
Esade in the spotlight again at 4YFN, leading discussions about sustainability and technology
Esade, UPC and IED Barcelona students develop innovative solutions for environmental pollution in conjunction with CERN
CBI-FP Final Gala: meet the student’s prototypes from round 2
CBI-FP project: students' journey reaching the middle point
ATTRACT Students Expo 23: celebrating the collaboration between students and technology
In the media
A lab to grow tech entrepreneurs: what ‘big science’ can offer
A conversation with Michael Krisch, director of research at the Grenoble-based European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). The EU-funded ATTRACT Academy uses research infrastructures to train Europe’s next-generation tech entrepreneurs. Among the students, ‘you see the eyes starting to sparkle’.
On growing new Googles and Amazons in Europe – through better tech training
A conversation with Cinzia Da Vià, Professor at Manchester University. The EU-funded ATTRACT project is giving students the broad, multi-disciplinary training they need if they are to succeed as ‘deep tech’ entrepreneurs in global markets
How to train a tech entrepreneur
A conversation with Jonathan Wareham, Professor at Esade Business School. The EU-funded ATTRACT project is experimenting with some new ideas in teaching entrepreneurship, bringing students from across Europe together with ‘deep tech’ from research infrastructures.
Esade liderará el debate sobre sostenibilidad y tecnología en el 4YFN del Mobile World Congress (in Spanish)
Esade organiza y participa en diversos debates para abordar cuestiones como la transformación energética de la mano de estudiantes y participantes en la iniciativa Challenge Based Innovation (CBI), impulsada por el IdeaSquare y el Departamento de Innovación del CERN, junto con el Fusion Point de Esade, para desarrollar prototipos que den respuesta a retos que […]
Esade participará en el foro 4YFN del Mobile World Congress (in Spanish)
Esade liderará el debate sobre sostenibilidad y tecnología que se celebrará en el ‘4 Years From Now'(4YFN), el encuentro de emprendimiento e innovación que se celebra en el marco del Mobile World Congress y en el que participará por octavo año consecutivo como colaborador académico oficial, ha informado la institución en un comunicado.
Rodeados de plásticos (in Spanish)
Students from the CBI-FP program talk about the projects they worked on related to microplastics during the last round of the Student Program.
Indian students in Spain develop innovative solutions to control environmental pollution in conjunction with CERN
Students from Esade, UPC and IED Barcelona developed prototypes working under the guidance of CERN scientists within the Challenge Based Innovation (CBI), under ATTRACT Academy.
Estudiantes desarrollan prototipos para proteger el medio ambiente, como un casco de moto que filtra aire contaminado (in Spanish)
Esta edición del CBI, programa impulsado bajo el paraguas europeo de la ATTRACT Academy, se ha centrado en el ODS relacionado con la reducción de las muertes y de las enfermedades causadas por la contaminación del aire; el ODS para reducir el impacto ambiental en las ciudades, entre otros.
Universitarios desarrollan prototipos para proteger el medio ambiente (in Spanish)
Estudiantes de Esade, UPC y el IED Barcelona desarrollan, en el marco de la décima edición del programa Challenge-Based Innovation (CBI), soluciones innovadoras para dar respuesta a la contaminación medioambiental.
Estudiantes de Esade, UPC e IED Barcelona desarrollan soluciones para la contaminación (in Spanish)
Ocho equipos universitarios participan del programa CBI-FP, el cual es impulsado bajo el paraguas europeo de ATTRACT Academy, una iniciativa financiada por el programa ‘Horizon 2020’ de la Unión Europea con la finalidad de modernizar la economía europea.
MBA in Spain can open doors to new avenues
Participating in a Challenge Based Innovation (CBI) programme in a place such as European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), allows participants to broaden their horizons and learn about global technologies.