New and articles of Challenge Based Innovation ATTRACT
Celebrating Innovation: highlights from the ATTRACT Pre-Final Conference
Celebrating Innovation: highlights from the ATTRACT Pre-Final Conference
CBI.ATTRACT: meet the student’s prototypes from the final round
CBI.ATTRACT: meet the student’s prototypes from the final round
ATTRACT Pre-Final Conference: explore the 10 Student Programs
ATTRACT Pre-Final Conference: explore the 10 Student Programs
ATTRACT Pre-Final Conference: shaping the future of innovation and collaboration
ATTRACT Pre-Final Conference: shaping the future of innovation and collaboration
CBI.ATTRACT program: pioneering solutions for global challenges
CBI.ATTRACT program: pioneering solutions for global challenges
ATTRACT Students Expo 23: celebrating the collaboration between students and technology
ATTRACT Students Expo 23: celebrating the collaboration between students and technology
In the media
Almacube lancia la nuova call for startup (In Italian)
Almacube lancia la nuova call for startup (In Italian)
Aperte le candidature a startup e spinoff fino al 24 febbraio. Le iniziative dell’incubatore dell’Università di Bologna e Confindustria Emilia Area Centro
Almacube lancia la Call for Startups 2023: “Open innovation e talenti sono il motore della crescita” (In Italian)
Almacube lancia la Call for Startups 2023: “Open innovation e talenti sono il motore della crescita” (In Italian)
Almacube lancia la Call for Startups 2023. L’innovation hub nasce per affiancare e supportare aziende consolidate e realtà emergenti, come startup e spinoff, nel loro percorso di crescita e sviluppo.